Animation: Do it In Style

Style matter. The story or setting of a particular animation can either be emphasized or destroyed if the artistic style is not right. The whole tone of an animation can be solely dependent on the style in which it is drawn. For example, if an artist is attempting to draw something on a more comical side, he or she would use brighter colors, more rounded characters, and they tend to move at a quicker pace using more emotional features. If the animation is more on the dramatic side, the artist would use sharper angle when drawings characters, use a much darker color scheme, and the animation would usually run at a much slower pace. The difference can  be subtle, but are an important part in the animation process. Let’s look at some examples; lets take most Pixar films as a perfect example of how style can make or break an animation. If the movie Up! was in the style of a dark anime like Death Note(here you can find a link to a short clip). Up! would have a completely different feel to it, and would most likely have the comedic appeal it has now. On the other hand, Death Note would not have even an ounce of the dark attraction it has if it was animated in the style of Up!.

When we were in class and were examining the different techniques a person uses when animating, it got me thinking about how there are so many different style of animation that can evoke so many different emotions. When I watch animation now, I am trying to locate the different techniques and paying close attention to the styles that artists use. I highly suggest you open up your mind to different styles and genres of animation, and do not be afraid to open your mind to different experiences. If you want to watch anime especially, do it! And let me know because I will watch it with you! 🙂


Post #1: Do you Ever Grow Out of Cartoons?

From spectacles such as Up!, to anime’s that touch our hearts like Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, the best stories are often told through animation. They tell stories of super heroes, flying houses, princesses, and fairy tales; yet there is a preconception that these forms of entertainment are meant for children. Animation provides a medium to get across messages and themes that transcend the barriers of age. Whether you are a nine-year-old seeing a movie for the first time, or a parent taking his daughter to the theater, anybody can have a memorable experience if they are open to it. That being said, not everybody is. This begs the question, what is it about certain animations that make it appeal to a variety of age groups?

Humor is a great way to appeal to multiple ages, if done correctly. There is a certain subtly that needs to be used when trying to incorporate humor into an animation that can appeal to multiple age groups, one animation that comes to mind is Phineas and Ferb. What seems like a harmless children’s cartoon actually doubles as a clever satire on popular culture. A great example is the episode Tip of the Day where the main point of the episode is Phineas and Ferb spreading the word about the tip of the shoelace, which they discover is called an “aglet”. They then make a pop song about aglets, which doubles as a parody of modern music. At the same time the evil scientist has a video of him as a teenager that goes viral, again making fun of the internet age. Both instances in this episode provide humor on a child and adult level simultaneously.

Animation is a timeless art, that can affect a person in any stage of life. All you have to do is be open to the experience. You can never be to old for cartoons, in fact I feel like you love them more with age. As a college student, I find myself watching a significantly larger amount of animation than I did when I was a kid. I appreciate it more, the hard work that the artist put into a character or scene, the story that the writers spend years trying to create, and even the beautiful music that composers put together. No matter the age, animation is something that can, and should, be enjoyed by people of all ages. Through this class, I know my love for animation will only grow, and even though I may grow older, I will never out grow animation.